Thursday, October 6, 2011

This Modern Dad

My husband Chris and I started dating almost fifteen years ago and just celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary (the traditional gift is iron if you are into that sort of thing, and I am).

In this time we have evolved from silly college freshmen to homeowners, husband and wife and Mom and Dad.  

Hampton 2011

We used to have all the time in the world after work and on the weekends to catch up with one another, eat fancy dinners at quiet restaurants, and stay up late with friends.

Now, like most parents of little people, our days start very early with diaper changes, bottles,  packing backpacks and juggling schedules. They end with, well, diaper changes, bottles, unpacking backpacks and juggling our schedules to meet the needs of our little family.  Chris and I have turned into perpetual motion machines.

Yet somehow we manage to carve out tiny bits of our days for each other.  It may not always be romantic in the traditional sense but the sentiment remains the same.  
At this frenzied phase of our life there is nothing that makes me swoon more than when Chris walks through the door after a long day and jumps right into the diaper changing, bottle making, backpack packing.

Chris has always been my favorite person to drink too many beers and grab pizza slices downtown with and he is also my favorite person to stay up late with shushing, swaddling and swinging a newborn.

My apologies for the cliche schmoopie talk. But it's my blog and I can talk about how in love with my husband I am if I want. I do a lot of complaining and felt it was only fair to document how thankful I am to have Chris as my teammate.  Stay tuned, tomorrow I will keep it real with a story about our  epic parenting fail this evening which is going to cost us a trip to Build a Bear AND a ride around the mall on the overpriced "train".


Gigi said...

Loving you even more today, than ever before angel face . You make me so proud

ChrisParks said...

Never got the update? What's up with that?

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